Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rainbow Maker(for LP)

If Jazz was a Color exhibit Kemper Gallery 06photo

That Rainbow Maker (for Moon)

By Euhal©08

Colors jumble in voices true

Telling stories, fabric books,

Wall oracles singing tales

Talking to our hearts.

Smiling lady...

Purple lady...

Fingers urging fabric text

To grow and sing

Songs for our hearts.

Shaped rainbows beating drums

Of radiant color, speaking color...

Making us listen with our eyes.

Melodies for our hearts.

Rooms growing in melodies dynamic

As walls sing rainbow songs

Operettas stitched in cloth soft

Arias colored for hearts to hear.

Eyes become ears that hear

Messages in vibrant shades

While souls marvel at the

At the fullness of our hearts.

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