Monday, April 27, 2009

Pay Attention~What will it take?

As National Poetry Month is coming to a close this week I decided I wanted to post this poem I wrote September 11th, 2001 hours after something we not thought would happen here at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon & Pa. Putting here this morning is because after arising and on page 2 of the local newspaper was in rapid succession was 6 senseless murders in different parts of the country. My first thought was "wow what a thing to start your day with"! And then I thought of how much life has been devalued, dismissed & destroyed because we've reached a point of acting like modern day Nephilims & Philistines.

I even saw an article about the shortened life spans of cigarette smokers "provide a savings to Medicare, Social Security, pensions & other programs". A researcher discovered health care cost for smokers amount to $326,000 in comparison to non smokers at $417,000. And a former Governor puts it:"Most lifetime studies show that lifetime health care of smokers are substantially lower then non-smokers. In any given year, we spend more on health care for smokers because it is a health impairing habit. Yet, from a system standpoint smokers die efficiently" .

Efficiently dying? What has happened to us where we have reduced people to things or numbers or efficiently?

With all the technology available to us today why is it people are feeling more and more disconnected? If you fell and hurt yourself that a stranger will aid you,but today someone will whip out their camera phone & within minutes you are the new laughingstock being mocked and ridicule again & again on You Tube?

So it is again why I thought I wanted to post this poem which now reaches to so much more. How will people get that when one is harmed we are all harmed?

We need to pay attention close attention to our humanity... Or our seriously depleted humanity...

What will it take?
By Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney©01

What will it take for thee...
To see the reality?

What will it take for you to understand?
That it was not meant for man...
To be in command.

What more do you need to see...
For your life and destiny?
It is not for you to solely control...
Prophecy is on a roll.
You call out to God...
When there is tragedy...
But pay attention, not...
When the wakening call says, Stop!!!

And listen...
And pay attention!
Your trials commence in another dimension.
Our breaths are held in suspension...
For the moment,
The world will be forced to kneel...
With no appeal.
And see the majesty of Jah!

All rights reserved©JHM9-11-01

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