Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blackberry Jam & WIne...

In my Father's House" quilt JHM©02 Quilt was destroyed in Katrina 2005

Quilt was created for Dr. Ed Dees Jr after seeing his grandparents' home in Alabama dating back to the 1800's which he had lovingly preserved. Bravo Ed!

And so for our menfolks:

Weep...By Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney©01

When grown men weep...
It is a sight to see!
When they finally show their humanity.

When they behold...
From their very soul.
In the cradle to unfold...
Of what the soft wetness told.

When grown men weep...
They take such a leap...
Into removing restraints.
Their lamentations beat.

From pretense of being the living dead...
Over hard stone heads.
Bounded on all fours sides...
All lies!

When grown men weep.
It is a sight to see...
When they finally show their humanity.
And complete they shall be...
If they continue to see.
And confess the key...
Is being made over in the image of God!
All rights reservedJHM©9-11-01

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