Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sens de Lune (Moon Sense)...

Photograph by Robin Lee 2007 www.astronomynotes.net

Moon Senses 
By Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney©10
I purposely stayed up last night like many to witness this gorgeous lunar eclipse that occurred on the shortest day & the advent of winter.  We were fortunate here in New Orleans to have clear skies and lovely night weather as I repeatedly starting around 5pm at twilight to watch this gorgeous moon ascent from between this 135 yr old Victorian house.   It was nestled in between the house and a group of trees.  I automatically reached for my camera only to be reminded it was broken.  It  was a sight to behold this gorgeous huge moon rising and tracking its ascent across the evening sky.

Here in N.O.La since we are indeed on a crescent the heavenly bodies rise not in a linear way but in a curve.  About midnight I started in earnest to step outside so I can figure out the positioning of the moon in its arching.

I was not let down.  While the local news predicted it would be a full eclipse around 1:41am CST, it did not until 2:20am, but it was a show all the way.

The moon at its highest point was directly over my roof, so I had to climb down the stars to stand on the sidewalk to look up.  I chuckled to myself as I could only imagine one of my neighbors looking out & seeing this woman on the sidewalk at 2am looking at the sky.

But then again it is New Orleans. 

 I felt no fear being out there in the middle of the night alone as I was not alone..

After I saw the glory of this:


I then came in and promptly felled into the deepest, dreamless sleep I had had in some time awakening refreshed and still even now find myself smiling ever so lightly.

Well Done (Sens de Lune)

By Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney ©08

On this autumn/spring/winter/summer day I flew 

Over fresh to wander ocean sand.. 

River ribbons, beautiful blue

Flowing softly through the land

And the moon said "Well done..."

At seeing while in repose all that could embraced

Shrouded in moon hues’ lace

For the hearts undone and the ones that still need singing

The prisms’ delighted flush kept right on winging 

To the heavens where the angels shouted in applause...

For all the beauty of today that indeed had been done.
All rights reservedJHM5-5-08©


Cremaos en los suenos ("We believe in dreams)…


Full Moon in Purple Early Morning photograph 2009JHM©09

1 comment:

Aude said...

Hi Jacquelyn, it's Aude from SparkPeople (well, Audeline there). I read more poems of yours and it triggers a comment in me: I am originally French, and English my 2nd language. I speak fluently that one, but fail to really appreciate poetry in English, not sure why. However, reading YOUR poetry, now that was cool, and I think that it's because your write so sensually and so honestly. Too many poems seem cryptic in English to me but yours are delightful.
Best of luck submitting your book in June.