Saturday, May 24, 2008

On an Ordinary Day©03

Ordinary Day©03 ~Photograph was shot as an approaching storm over Tangiphoa Parish, Louisiana

On an ordinary day, I am still extraordinary.
On an ordinary day, I can rock the world!

How magnificent it is to be alive, to breathe, to be genuinely real!
Dazzle the worlds with you smile be as brilliant as you want!

On an ordinary day, may your life be spectacular!
For it only last for a moment.

Drink plenty from Maisha Maji (life’s waters) until you are full.
And dare to dream, to be bold and to be fearless with love!

On an ordinary night that trails behind an ordinary day…
Look up and behold a shooting star, so impressive…

As it streaks across a blackened sky just being so breath takingingly spectacular…
That millions of stars could only stand still and applaud

You be that way…

And on any ordinary day, be as extraordinary as you dare…
(How wonderfully made you are!)

Your vision statement can be so impressive…
When you can see what can be accomplish on an ordinary day.
All rights reserved JHM 7-25-03©

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