Right off the bat I can say I appreciate this quote on appreciation.
I appreciate organic tomatoes:
I appreciate warmth when it is too cold
And coolness when it is too hot.
I appreciate clean water:
And the availability to drink it freely:
I appreciate laughter & Bugs Bunny:
Finding humor when their is so much sadness
And I appreciate being able to hear the laughter.
I appreciate feeling deeply when there are many are too numb to feel at all.
I appreciate being 60 when far too many do not get out of childhood, adolescent or experience young adulthood.
I appreciate grandeur
And awesome-ness even at night:
I appreciate the arts in all its genres,
*Music in all its forms:
I appreciate love both small & large
And seasoned with cayenne:
In stolen moments:
I appreciate purple sofas:
And red lipstick:
And great perfume:
**Beautiful flowers, gardens and natural spaces:
I appreciate friendships long ones and short ones:
I even appreciate those who show who they are, so I know not to be that way:
I appreciate even more who show kindness so I can be that way more:
I expect to continue to do the same in 2011.
All Rights ReservedJHM©10
*Photographs by Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney©10
**Photography by Jackie Walker©09