Thursday, December 16, 2010


I discovered this poem I had written while sorting through a huge pile of ones as I slowly replace a lot of things after my hard drive crashed.  It had been almost a decade ago when walking in the pouring rain that was so hard I could not tell where the curb ended and literally fell on my face.  It was one of those could it get any worse kind of moments...Boy did I ache the next day!

However the day this happen I went home after drying off this popped in my mind...Today I smiled upon reading my words and remembering the time, because it was simply that.. a time.

Falling Down
By Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney©02

I’ve fallen on my face…
Soaked in a downpour when…
Out of the blue...
I fell on my face!
“What else can happen?
There’s no way out!
What more do I need to do?
I so weary…
This can’t go on..
Oh God, no more!”

I fell on my face!
Can I look up?

Or get up?
Roll over… Push away?
No cheering around me…
No motivational speakers to perform…
(Not even a phantom applause).
No assistance just hard driving rain…
Pelting relentlessly.
And all around me...
Weeds, debris…broke
(No hope)

I fell on my face!
But I got up…
And kept on walking.
Soaked to the core…
And carried on.

(Without faith I am hopeless.)

All rights reserved JHM 6-27-02©

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