Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Opening of the Standing in the Shadows (no more) exhibition at Ashe Cultural Art Center March 6,2015

Well we are coming around the closing our our workshops at Ashe Cultural Art CenterShadows no More last day will be January 27th,2015.  I'll then have the fun and the honor to document the quilts and prepare to mount the show on March 3nd.

The Ashe Quilt~ Karel Sloane Boekbinder,artist

The opening reception is on Friday March 6th. 

Addendum:  I am delighted to say that our Standing in the Shadows workshops have now become part of Ashe's family!

We have now become "Lydia's Purple Cloth Comunity Group". You are invited to participate in the classes held every Tues from 6-8pm at Ashe.

Part of the vision for Standing in the Shadows (no more) was the foundation for not only these women but others to examine in a creative way a desire not to be swallowed up by shadows, either ones of their own makings but also dynamics others try to force them into.  Quilting, a millineum old tradition dating back to ancient Africa & China is being used as that jump off point. For many, this was a safe, soothing yet forceful way to articulate sometime what could barely be thought of let along being spoken of.
Shadows don't always have to be somethng formidable... sometime it is a quiet yearning, a secret desire to do things a bit differently, to try or embrace smething new or see yourself in a different light. 

Now we will have as a sister companion exhibition opening a few days later at Galerie 1501 located at 1501 Canal Street the "Lydia's 1st Purple Moon: You are Ish-Shah" (Hebrew for woman) exhibition that will run from March 10th-May 10th.  You wil see many more pieces of these talented women, other women artists and their allies there in support to the "Standing in the Shadows No More"



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

And the Lioness Spoke...

Lydia's Purple Cloth Quilting Community: And The Lioness Spoke
Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney

(Each Tuesday) | 6:00-8:00 p.m.
NO CLASS February 17, 2015 - Mardi Gras
Ashé Cultural Arts Center | 1712 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., NOLA
Free and open to the public

Quilting continues! We're excited to have more time to work on creations that will hang, not only at Ashé, but also at the Galerie 1501, a pop up gallery located at 1501 Canal Street . How's that for motivation?   The focus in the name change with the classes becoming part of the Ashe's regular lineup is on Lydia, Biblical figure, who was a seller of purple clothShe was very hospitable Christian woman, entrepernurial, creative, quite prosperous, and a visionary. She sold her wares  to the rulers of her time, the clergy and the wealthy.
The color purple, in ancient times, was and still is a difficult process to produce.  Having that skill allowed Lydia to provide not only for herself sn d her household, but the community around her.  That is why the renaming of the class as such is appropiate.
The talented quilting class participants are still creating incredible pieces. Bring your imagination and join in the fun for a series of quilting workshops led by visual poet artist Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney. These workshops will provide participants with opportunities to incorporate their own compelling personal stories as they produce vibrant, jazzy, contemporary, quilted textile collages. Finished quilts will be formally exhibited at the Ashé Cultural Arts Center opening March 3-April April 24,2015 entitled "Standing in the Shadows (no more)". 
 It will also have a second component at the  Galerie  1501 on Canal Street located in the historic Texaco building.  That exhibition entitled "Lydia's 1st Purple Moon: A Seasoned HeART is located at 1501 Canal Street from March 10-May 10,2015...
 Karel Sloane Boekbinder,artist


  No sewing experience necessary.Every couple of months there will be a specific theme.  For February & March, it will be: "And the Lioness Spoke".  March is Women's History Month & April is National Quilts and National Poetry Month.
 Be sure to bring a pair of fabric scissors, and if you desire, fabrics you can share at this communal event. For more information, call (504) 569-9070


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Standing in the Shadows (no more) exhibition at Ashe Cultural Art Center March 6,2015

Works in progress for the upcoming Standing in the Shadows (no more) quilting exhibition opening during Women History Month and running through April.  This is simply a teaser of the phenomenal work coming out of the quilting workshops by the same name.

This lovely work is designed and created by Karel Sloane-Boekbinder and is a work in progress.  You'll have to see it in completion at the exhibit opening March 6,2015 on Oretha Castle Haley Bl in Center City.

For futher info you can contact curator Karel Sloane-Boekbinder at Ashe: 504-589-9070 or

You can also contact the curator/workshops facilitator, Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney ar or via this blog.

There will be a second exhibition entitled "Lydia's Purple Cloth" coinciding at Galerie 1501 opening March 10th-May 10th.  The pop up gallery is located at 1501 Canal Street downtown New Orleans.

Information to follow.