Tuesday, February 21, 2012


'No woman is defeated until defeat is admitted as a reality"~Unknown Thos period has been by far the 2nd most horrible time in my life. The only thing that makes this pale in comparison was the deaths of my sons 3 decades ago. I'm exhausted,wornout & not to be trifled with. I'm angry.There's no getting around THAT fact & no there are no platitude or philosophical words can alrthis ectraordinararily challenging time. It does not help me that far too many people paddling their rapidly sinking ships that brings no comfort,but acually antagonize the stress But I'm not ready yet to call it quits. I've been silent since Oct because I had nothing to say. At least anything printable. I need to catch a break... a big break. How ironic that my 1st foray in writing again is a poem about defeat. UNDEFEATED By Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney ©12 I opened my mouth today And no sound came out... I guess I'm not ready to concede defeat today. Whatever way the gale force blew me Hither & dither... I'm not ready to concede defeat today. If a bruised reed can stand tall Or by being woven into a lovely... Or be reformed into a princely persona Then one can/we can/oh yes we can... We must stand still... Stand tall... Stand strong... Stand erect. Correct... Must step having lept into God only know nowhere I know not of. I opened my mouth today & no sound came out. I'm not ready to concede defeat... No matter what you think/feel/believe. Blow that wind! Scream all you want... Hurl those arrows! Rock the boat Or shake a tail feather if that floats your boat... Just stay away from me As I am not in the mood to be trifled with... For right now, in this present time... I simply not ready to conceede defeat today. Check with me later if you dare. All rights reserved©1-11-12JHM