1501 Canal Senior Apts (front view)~JHM©14
1501 Canal Street. The historic Texaco building now the 1501 Canal Senior Apts & home of the pop up gallery Galerie 1501.
Folks have been asking me where is my art in Seasoned en Vieux.
Look around, better yet, come on down and you'll see me everywhere. My joy being the curator is seen in the 29 artists. I will have a small piece or too maybe before the closing celebration on January 10th.
This whole venue was done out of love and was borne so my neighbors and the Treme/Canal Street community could have something to look at in this space while we await the future home of Dunkin Donuts. When the idea that popped up in my head now 4 weeks ago, how little did I know that Galerie 1501 would emerge.
With limited time and resoures but a whole lot of heart here we glowed. Anything done with heart and love will have a good effect.
I always warn people that the faster I speak, my mind is flowing faster when on a creative roll. We've gotten so much positive feedback on Canal Street! And you can, at least I have plus others who have experience it first hand, see the rhythms change in this so called "dead zone".
Artists have an innate sense of creating a happening where they are just simply by being. Pedastrians who I've watched over the last several months since the 1501 Canal Senior Apts opened now are slowing down, to look. We've seen many doing double takes. We have visitors from many places come in to see.
Even some whom have never been in a gallery before have cruised through.
Michele Lambert with 1920 Downtown Canal Street
Visitors from Montreal & Quebec, Canada plus a local visitor.
Maureen Rice visiting from NYC with Slyvia Robinson,artist & mother of Terrence Osborne
Dr. Ed Dees (l)
Debra Del Rio, Florida
"Three Lions & Singing to the King"~Ransom McCormick
"The Bird"~ Jesse Freeman (top)
"Blue in the Face" (top)
Violetta Femme (bottom)
Violetta Femme~Jesse Freeman
"The Blues Club"~Jeff Todd
"Vieux Carre"~Jeff Todd
Susan Charles (l) Karen Douglas (C) Marietta Johnson (r)
"Surrounded by Friends" ~Slyvia Simpson
Marietta Johnson, artist
So...pray tell where am I? You see me in the gallerie:
and in my 15th floor Vieux of downtown Canal Street:
And in Chalmette...