Contrary to what you may have heard before or thought you knew,here is the data from' the
Greater New Orleans Community Data Center. You can see in the report who is actually in Orleans Parish & who could not return and the line smacks dab into poverty/education . And it also is very telling why there has been some improvement. I am of mixed emotion because of this but it is a hard & painful truth.
What stood out for me is this:
Statistical analyses of the Census Bureau's American Community Survey 2007 demographic profile for the New Orleans metro area as compared with Census 2000 data indicate that the region is less poor, with fewer adults lacking a high school diploma, fewer households with children, fewer households lacking vehicles, and a larger share of the population that is foreign-born (See Table 2 below). In addition, the metro area has a higher homeownership rate, although a larger percent of households (renters and owners) spend more than 30 percent of their income for housing costs.
American Community Survey 2007 data for Orleans, Jefferson and St. Tammany parishes allow us to identify parishes where these changes are significant (see Table 2 for complete statistics by Parish and MSA. Note that none of the 2000 to 2007 demographic changes examined in St. Tammany Parish were significant). Not surprisingly, metro area trends were driven by large changes in Orleans Parish, where, for example, the poverty rate fell from 27.9 percent in 2000 to 20.6 percent in 2007. Across the metro area, the poverty rate fell from 18.3 to 14.8 percent from 2000 to 2007, reflecting the net outmigration of individuals with fewer resources.
Dear friends and colleagues,How many households with children are in New Orleans? How many are paying more than they can afford for housing post-Katrina? How has access to vehicles changed since the storm? How many more foreign-born residents are in the metro area now?
Got questions like these? We have some answers for you.
Remember that successful challenge we mounted to the Census' population estimates? Well, we've taken the Census' new, higher 2007 numbers for Orleans, Jefferson and St. Bernard Parishes and applied them to demographic information from the American Community Survey and other Census products.
And we've packaged the data so its easy to use, along with some statistical comparisons to Census 2000 and an analysis to help you use this information for writing grant proposals, or planning for future activities.
Here's the link:
2007 Demographic Profiles of New Orleans and the Metro Area
In this brief, the Greater New Orleans Community Data Center compares Census 2000 data with 2007 data from the US Census Bureau for a view of the demographic changes in the New Orleans region hard hit by Katrina in 2005. Also presented are synthetic estimates from the Census Bureau's revised 2007 population estimates and 2007 American Community Survey -- numbers on poverty, race, age, immigration status, level of education, access to vehicles, and housing affordability.
When you follow the link, please pass it along to your friends and colleagues -- we've added a tool to our web site that allows you to easily email a link to a friend and share it on social networking sites like LinkedIn or Facebook.
So, check it out. And please tell a friend.
The Data Center Team
Allison Plyer, Elaine Ortiz, Melissa Schigoda, Joy Bonaguro, Denice Ross and Charlotte Cunliffe
The Greater New Orleans Community Data Center is a product of Nonprofit Knowledge Works and is supported in part by Baptist Community Ministries, United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area, and the Blue Moon Fund. mographics
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