I neede to see something visually of beauty, something awesomely gorgeous to feast my eyes and then I read words that were so awesomely beautiful they fed my heart on a day when it was sad for me as I discovered I still after 13 months no job and money nearly spent and not knowing how I am to proceed next.
This helped, I hope it does the same for you! JHM:
Please go to www.DoNotGiveUp.net/Jan2009.htm and sign up for the Self Esteem Doctors next tele-seminar and get her free newsletter!
She is fierce!
Jewel Diamond Taylor reflect on LIFE LESSONS LEARNED taught, caught and bought...
Jewel Diamond Taylor reflect on LIFE LESSONS LEARNED taught, caught and bought...
The hardest part of success is trying to find someone who is sincerely happy for you.
What pains us, trains us.
Don't always bail your children out of trouble.
Give them roots and give them wings to fly away.
Let them experience their falls so they will learn who to call ..their Heavenly Father.
Life is wonderful, messy, abundant, unpredictable, bitter and sweet.
Only the strong survive.
Admitting to your faults is a sign of strength.
Do not let a day pass without making at least one person feel good.
Keep good records.
Let go of clutter.
Time does heal.
Let go of emotional pain, but keep the lesson.
Men marry hoping a woman will not change and women marry hoping the man will change.
Maintain a good standing.
People and creditors have long memories.
Don't give up 5 minutes before your miracle.
Obstacles are temporary.
If someone asks for money, determine in your mind before giving whether it is a gift or a loan. Give without resentment and receive with gratitude.
Health is your first wealth. Good health is valuable and a blessing. Don't take it for granted. Take good care of yourself.Drink more water, less fast foods, walk more, remain active, think positive and reduce your stress.
Detox and cleanse your body.
Good friends are angel~gifts from God. Nourish the relationship and never take them for granted.
Prayer changes things.
Never make someone a priority who has made you an option.
Someone can fake a relationship to get sex. And some will fake sex to have a relationship. (think about it)
Children don't listen to what you say, they watch what you do.
If you take it...return it.
If you break it....fix it.
If you know it...live it.
If you know it...live it.
If you want it....ask for it.
If you use it...clean it.
If you use it...clean it.
If you know it...share it.
If you made a mistake,take responsibility for it.
If you have some,share it.
If you own it,protect it.
If you love someone,show it.
If you don't want it, don't accept it.
If you pray for it,give thanks for it.
If you fall,get up.
Age wrinkles the face and quitting wrinkles the soul.
No one can give or take my self-esteem. It's called "SELF" esteem.
Don't sit on your assets.
If I do nothing, nothing happens.
Seize opportunities and act on my ideas.
Never be afraid or procrastinate to ask and act on your goals.
A pity party is selfish and drains my energy and faith.
Create more than one stream of income, save and spend wisely. I don't need so many shoes!
I cannot take care of others if I have not learned how to take good care of myself.
Don't expect others to show love in the same way I show love. People express love in different ways and some simply don't know how. Don't allow rejection, selfishness or pain to stop me from being a loving person.
Don't allow someone's fear or judgment stop me from pursuing my greatness.
Take off my superwoman cape and learn how to delegate and say "no" to unnecessary demands of my time, energy and money.
Life is fragile, handle with prayer.
We meet all life's greatest tests alone.
The door to success is labeled "push." "
Do you." ~ Russell Simmons
Life lessons from the movies...
Life lessons from the movies...
"You're not dead yet, so stop living as if you are." ~ Beaches
"Remember...your focus determines your reality." ~ Star Wars
"Id rather have a moment of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special." ~ Steel Magnolias
"Get busy living or get busy dying." ~ Shawshank Redemption
"But I'm still here." - Color Purple
"I got a better opinion about myself." Two for the SeeSaw
"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." ~ Forrest Gump
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