Thursday, May 27, 2010

Don't Walk Away Rene'...RIP

I am sadden today with the sudden death of a friend of 20 years Rene' Fagans on Wed May 26th, 2010 at 6:00p PST in San Diego. They remove the life support yesterday evening. She was healthy as a horse on Sunday fell broke her ankle on Monday, was on life support by Tues and dead by Wed eve.

We were suppose to get together for lunch before my return from Cali. Rene' was in the middle of writing a children's book & was having a blast. Drs. said with or without life support she would have been in a vegetative state. Her Drs had changed her meds, she was experiencing dizzy spells on Monday, fell hitting her head rather hard, taken to ER, treated for the broken ankle & sent home... By Monday eve she was complaining of being cold, Tues morning her son could not understand a word she was saying. She had a massive hemorrhaging so badly her brain stem was badly damaged.

Rene's family was all with her when they removed life support...

She was a joy, never had a bad word for anyone, funny as all get out & loved life. We recently had spoken about her coming to New Orleans as she had not had the experience....

She is already missed...

One thing I am going to do in her memory is when the dust settles is to have her son to send me a copy of her unfinished children's book & finish it for her with the view to finish her dream of having it published. I was already going to create the art for its cover.

Rene' was such a joyful person & I could at least keep her joy going in this book...

And then I read this & thought it was appropo:

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.
- Sally Koch

You can impact more people than you'll ever know

Too many people sit on the sidelines of life waiting for that one great opportunity or the chance of a lifetime. We seldom realize that while we are waiting, we are missing the small opportunities to make a difference that surround us in our everyday lives. For example, you could pick up the litter on a street that you travel often, help someone carry her groceries to her car, or offer to help a child read a book. Of course, this list could go on and on. Your small action could make all the difference in the world to someone and you may never know it. Don't sit around and wait for the BIG CHANCE because you never of those small opportunities might turn into the next chance of a lifetime.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My reminder: G'wan be a Nut!

The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground.- Unknown

Believing in yourself no matter what

On July 24, 2004, there was a 0% chance of rain in Cincinnati. No way was it going to rain, according to the people who should know best. You know what? Despite millions of dollars worth of sensors, computers, and forecasting systems, the weather experts were wrong. It rained, against all odds. This is not a criticism of weather people. It's just a reminder of all the people who were given 0% chance of making it by the "experts," but who succeeded anyway. Whenever accomplishments are on the line, there are always voices whispering, preaching--even shouting--that it can't be done. Sometimes, that voice is coming from inside our own heads. If you're having doubts about your abilities, just remember: How many times have the naysayers been proven wrong? No matter what anyone says--no matter what you might believe--it can be done. The nut can become a tree. There's always a chance of rain.

On the Street

Stop living life for what's around the corner and start enjoying the walk down the street.
- Grant L. Miller, motivational guru

Enjoying the road to accomplishment

It's possible to be a little too focused. With blinders on, it becomes easy to completely live in our vision of where we will be in the future, while ignoring the improvements that we have made in the present. The road to a healthy lifestyle is a long trip. While it's very important to realize what we are shooting for, we also need to make sure that we keep our heads in the present to enjoy the progress we've made. If your goal is to lose weight, instead of waiting to celebrate until you lose it all, enjoy today's small victories and take advantage of your improved health now. This approach serves as motivation for any aspiration in life. Set ambitious goals and enjoy the road to accomplishing those goals, because life might pass you by if you are always planning for tomorrow without ever seeing today.

Teach Me... Reach Thee

Listen to all, plucking a feather from every passing goose, but follow no one absolutely.
~ Chinese proverb

Everyone can teach you something

"Possible mentors and teachers can be found everywhere and anywhere. Everyone you've met today has something they could teach you--a skill, a bit of wisdom, or a personal secret to success. All you have to do is look for it and ask plenty of questions. Most of all, respect the fact that each person has something of value to offer. If you can't find one "feather" to pluck from someone, you're not looking hard enough. Yet, in the end, you still have to think for yourself. It's still your job to take the knowledge you gain and turn it into your own value system for solid decision-making. It's still up to you to use your skills to carve a unique path in the world. So when night comes, those feathers can make a nice soft pillow that lets you rest your head in peace".

In the end one will have to do it for oneself. But learn learn all you can...

The Return on one's Investment...

Bayou Couquille image- All Rights reservedJHM

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"~- Aesop, Greek author of fables

Investing time and energy in others

People usually talk of "spending" energy and time on others as if once it's used, it's gone. In reality, that effort is a powerful investment because you'll get more in return. When a match lights a candle, the match's flame doesn't shrink--if anything, it grows. In the same way, you'll be even more inspired and successful by building others up. The bonus is that they'll also be better equipped to return the favor. Take action today to make someone's life a little better. Come up with just one nice thing to do for each of the important people in your life, one little thing that can make all the difference. After all, what good does it do to improve your health or your life if you're not going to do anything with it?
Makes me wonder how people can brandish the word "compassioin fatigue" with a straight face... Have we become so jaded or over-privilege that we are worn out from being helpful & generous? If we become fatigue, what in the world do we think the person(s) going through the trial must be experiencing?

I'm Working at 'Em...

Allrights reservedJHM Picture in Lower 9th Ward near Levees...

The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.
- George Bernard Shaw, playwright

I am telling you it is a hard thing to do, to recreate your life, but a necessary one...

Are you creating your own life?

Take a moment to look at the circumstances of your world. Is it what you want to see? What could you do differently to take one step closer to your ideal vision? We're all dealt different hands in life. That's how things are. To change things, you have to first accept that fact, then figure out where to go from here. We should all be able to count on each other for help, but in the end, we can't expect anyone to change our lives except ourselves. Nor should we want it that way. It's natural to feel powerless and give up in the face of hardships, but complaining and blaming do nothing except prevent action. Without positive action, you're giving up your power and asking for more of the same--a world you did not create. Where you start may not be your fault, but the course you run is still your choosing.

Monday, May 17, 2010



By Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney 10©

An apple fell away from the tree...

She can listen to the secrets of the night..

And embrace the love...

Holding court regally & with compassion
Like the cooling waters in the shielded cup of her hand…
And shifted the sorrows that sifted gratefully between her fingers.

Returning to a place where it belong, as this was not it...

Apples fall away from the tree

That can’t be

Won’t be...


That one indeed rolled away from what they thought...

They think...

May think…
We think...
She is to be.

Or could not be
According to them...

One apple rolls away..

While the branches continue to grow…

And then another falls away...

Falling a little further away…

And the one by one...

As time & branches stretch out beyond the borders....

Away from what it thought to be…
Had to be...

Told to be…


That one became to be the one...

Who listen secretly to the secrets of the night.

And held the wind in her might...

Cupping the love like cooling waters

While the sifted sorrows shifted ...

Falling gratefully between her fingers returning to the place where it belonged...

She had the moxie without an available proxy...

To roll away while the branches continue to grow...

And brought forth with her...
The very best of what she had to be...

While time stretched out beyond the boundaries...

Of what she thought to be…

Had to be…

Told to be…

All Rights reservedJHM10©

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Swear, I do Declare!

To swear off mistakes is very easy. All you have to do is swear off having ideas.
Leo Burnett, advertising pioneer

Are you afraid to try or are you afraid to fail?

A well-lived life is not for the timid. The world was never meant to be approached with extra caution and fear of making mistakes. Kids know that you have to jump in feet first and be willing to take some lumps on the head if you're going to have any fun. When did we stop trying new things? Why did we stop taking risks? In large part, we're afraid of messing up. We've settled into our comfort zones and don't want to look like a fool to ourselves or others. What's the price we pay for our pursuit of perfection? No growth, no sense of discovery, few real experiences. The sacrifice isn't worth it. Are there points in your life that you wish you could have back because you didn't pursue an idea or a new interest? Those chances are gone forever--but you'll have more in the future to take full advantage of. It's been said that most people don't learn much that's new past their 20s. That's an awful long time to stay stagnant. The only mistake you should be afraid to make is not trying.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who you Are...

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.
- John Locke, philosopher

Living according to your true values

The best intentions matter little if your daily life doesn't reflect those values. How can you make sure that your thoughts and actions match? Good or bad, your values are shaped by your actions just as much as they do the shaping. Actions that are true to your values build a stronger personal foundation that others can see. Why are the memories of our greatest personal and public heroes so powerful and timeless, long after they're gone? They stood for something. They were living, breathing examples of the values they prized. It takes courage, a belief in yourself and strong determination. But it can be done. Do one thing today that shows the world what you believe. Do one thing that you know is right. Do one thing that would make your hero smile.

I Believe...well most of the time....

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
- John Wooden, Hall of Fame college basketball coach

Believing In Yourself

Limitations can either define us or give us a challenge to outwit. When you look at your abilities, do you see boundaries and limits, or do you see possibilities and potential? Obsessing about weaknesses can blind us to the untapped abilities we already have. You have talent. Everyone does. The secret to success is to find that talent, develop it and push it as far as you can. Grandma Moses might have been a lousy bowler, Einstein probably couldn't sing a lick, Michelangelo could've been unable to speak well in public. So what? They knew what they were good at and rode that pony. Your talent might be right in front of you: where do you get the most compliments? What seems to come easily to you? What do people ask your advice for? Live there. Don't let the rest get in the way.

Monday, May 10, 2010

On the Day, the Artist Went Away...


All Together Now (closeup)

Haiti Lady (framed)

A few years back, I had written a poem entitled "On the Day" that spoke to what the world would be like if all the artist in all the disciplines went away musing on how dreary the world would be as if the very life, color & vibrations had been annihlated. How little did I know that I, this artist, would reach a juncture in my own career to have an ephiphany and decide it was time to go away...

I do not mean it literally but in essence to stop exhibiting. After almost 20 years as a visual artist and much more then that in another artistic discipline that something clicked in my heart this morning and said," enough".

It was in a way deja vu reminiscing of another time 17 years ago when a similar "clicked" & I decided to close down my gallery in San Diego, when I knew in my heart of hearts it was time to yield.

Mind you I have a mad amount of work with commissions I have to complete which I pray & trust I will complete, fufilling my obligations to those who have enjoyed my work. My plan is to continue this year completing that trust, but plan to no longer exhibit.

And all because one time too many,as many artists if they have created more then a day can understand, someone(s) or maybe a culmulative amount of someones or one too many someones who seem to not have it in them to truly regard art or artists as a profession or a professional.

One too many people while enjoying the end results, seem to not value the labor, the time, the heart-renching (at times)energy & sacrifice it takes to do what they do. I like many others are not independently wealthy, or can reach the mega dollars of the fortunate few but love what we do, have pride in what we do and make like other professions great sacrifices for a "if and a maybe".

Far too many people seem to think it is totally appropiate to take advantage of artists, sometimes bragging about getting a work for pennies at their next dinner or cocktail party somehow or another not grasping at the other end of that stick is a living breathing person who like so many have all those mundane obligations to care for. And last I check there is not nary an artist based on their winning smile have been able to purchase supplies, pay rent/mortage, keep the utilities on, store needed fuel in one's body, enjoy a pack or bubble gum or a moment at the movies based on the "suffering artist" syndrom that a lot of folks think we like to do which to me that syndrom is very masochistic.

It is difficult to create or maintain if one does not know if one will have a roof over ones head, or the power shut off or if the stomach is growling. Contrary to a almost over romanticized view in the movies that the artist suffers, dies from TB from living in damp broken down attic, becomes famous after death. It did not work in the movies either...

Yes without a doubt we love what we do, am very passionate about what & how we do it and yes can sometimes be in a enviable position of working at something we love & enjoy & willing to make needed sacrifices to make the world a lovely place to walk through even in the most ugly & troubling times.

I've been far more fortunate then many over these 2 decades to not have been burned as much or as badly but sometime there is a moment, a pivotal moment when you have to say no more.

In workshops I've have done over the years I have somewhat tongue in cheek humorously have referred to my "Mooneyisms". And Mooney-ism # 5 has always been "Be prepare to walk away". I cannot teach that if I do not practice it.

Sometimes you have to draw a line and say "you will not do this"(to me).

So on this day, when this artist walks away will the world stop? Of course not! I don't think that much of myself that I could be arrogant enough to think it would or should.

And yes I will have to find another means to substain myself eking out some time to create for my own pleasure without worrying about if when or how someone else will keep their word, honor the contract or show the respect that is due.

I simply know on this day, as I rapidly approach my 6th decade on this earth that I know to do the right thing honoring my ownself even those there are others who would with or without malice want to dishonor.

Those who may read my words, please do not think if you are expecting delivery will not get it. My plan is to continue working through 2010 to fufill my obligations.

After that, time will tell

Thrown Rocks exhibtion-remaining art


Sometimes it Hurts Too Much-Haiti
Heart Faced

Photos: Autumne Jardin Secret installation And Crescent Moon photography courtesy of Diana Prescott of Tennessee

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Worry, worry, toil and Struggle...

Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed.

- Church billboard in Colorado

Is your worrying holding you back?

Once film negatives are exposed to the light of day, they're ruined. In the same way, once you see your worries for what they are--self-inflicted doubts--their power disappears. If you give your doubts and fears too much development time, they'll take hold and start to color all of your thinking in a negative light. Pessimists have more health problems, are less productive, and are generally unhappier than optimists. People that don't worry as much spend more time coping with the realities of life and less time occupied with would-be problems. To get rid of worry, think more confidently. Know that you can handle anything that comes along. Know that with loss comes opportunity. Know that things generally have a way of working out. Stay out of that dark room and picture something better.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Come Along with Me....

There are those days that come along when you think that others will think like you, be like you or see like you only to find out that it 'taint necessarily so. And the resistance may not always come from a vantage point of your idea, action or belief is wrong ( or right) for that matter, it just may simply mean they have to go another way.

You may have to do it alone or not at all but still need to do something.

Its a weird time for me and has been weird for a couple of years, but this weird is somewhat different. I've known there is something I am suppose to do but the way has not been clear yet for me to see. I do know however, whenever I get to a new stage both personally & professionally, it is preceded with a lot of weirdness.

So this must be HUMONGOUS, ginormous.

All I can do do is continue to prep myself, do what I can do and try to keep the fear or the trepidation at a minimum, turn a deaf ear to naysayers or eye-rollers (Y'all know who you are).

I feel like I am champing at the bit,, wanting to rock and roll, to do SOMETHING, but so many rocky blocks keep showing up. It can be discouraging, but not defeating. I have to quote from the Color Purple what Celie said to Nettie when Nettie told her that she had to fight back, not to let people run over you, not to let them have the upper hand. Celie's comment was "I don't know how to fight back.. I only know how to stay alive". And sometimes that is all one can do for the time being.

Last night was one of those troubling nights that I could not sleep so I got up at 1 am to clean out my closet, not that there was much to do as I am pretty organize. But what I did do was remove some items that were dated, never used or did not fit my pre-surgery body. I also got rid of some "old lady shoes" that I've never worn.

Mind you, I do not have a problem with aging. In fact, I am so looking forward to entering my 6th decade late summer. What I do have a problem with is people's perception of what getting older is all about.

I suspect some of my struggle & the weirdness I am feeling right now is in my gut, in the very marrow of my being something big is going to happen and it ties in with this new decade will be for me.

Not unlike Grandma Moses, Georgia O'Keefe,Dr. Maya Angelou and a host of other mighty warrior women who really hit their mark upon entering 60. Not that any of these women both the famous, the not so famous and ones known for their infamy were chopped liver before hand, but they really hit their stride at the big 6-OH.

So if people want to come along with me they are welcomed, but I am enough to go at it alone. Whatever it will be, I will be grand at it...

I just wish it would hurry up...

When in Doubt...

Buttercups in the Lower 9th Ward

Photo courtesy of Paulette Madison

One man's creativity is another's brain damage.

- Roland Fischer

Thinking for yourself in the face of doubt

If you accept someone else's idea of reality and personal limits, you'll have no control over your own destiny. You can only go as far as that view will let you. Do you normally accept things as they are, or do you ask "why" and "what if"? Being an individual and thinking for yourself--even while others are calling you crazy--takes courage. For many, trying a new perspective is scary. But if we always stick to the familiar, the known, we never grow and learn. Don't be afraid to go against the grain. Ask the tough questions that everyone else is afraid to ask. Try a new way to do the same thing just to see what happens. We guarantee you that the world won't end. You'll see solutions that nobody else would see if they're all looking at a problem the same way. Practice new ways to combine unrelated objects. After all, somebody had to try peanut butter and jelly for the first time.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wandering thoughts...

Oh Sweet Peas you've you've done for me

On my Uptown stroll t'day.

And to see

Pucker up buttercups on a sunny day be so bold

In spite it all...

Sharing its loveliness for those to see as they wander
And wonder...

The Lower 9th Ward...

Clinging on for dear life on a rusty Shed
I was visually fed

And then I notice a wonderful vine round the pole

Tis what what I need for my soul

To see or not to see.

Will not be questioned.